Sunday School

Sunday School & OVBS Office Bearers 2025


Rev. Fr. Thomas P. John


Philip Philips

OVBS Coordinator (2025)

Ansu Thomas

Assistant OVBS Coordinator (2025)

Jesley Jacob







Diocesan Level Quiz Competition Winners – Silver

Diocesan Level Quiz Competition Winners – Silver

Diocesan Sunday School Quiz Results

North East American Diocese Sunday School has announced the results of Bible Quiz 2023 conducted on October 7.
Our parish Sunday School won Silver. Congratulations.Congratulations to all the participants! They did an outstanding job and put in a lot of effort preparing for the Quiz. We pray that this learning increases their discernment and brings them closer to God and His Kingdom. 

  • Gold: St Gregorios Indian Orthodox Church, Lakeshore, Toronto, Canada (Team 8)
  • Silver: SGOCT, our parish team- Aiden Anish, Aednah Anish and Lian Gijo(Team 6)
  • Bronze: St Thomas Orthodox Church, Ottawa (Team 14)

Message from the Vicar for children attending school/college in the new academic year 2023-24

Beloved Children,Greetings on your new academic year opening !Start the year with much cheer and joy. Look for catching up each bite of knowledge unfolded for you.Every knowledge comes from the Lord. Knowing more means knowing the Lord more too.Feel the Lord at your side always. He is our friend and companion. We can share everything with him. He will be pleased to share his heart too. Love him please. He has loved us even before we were born.His Spirit gives us wisdom and understanding, opens our mind, sharpens our brain, equips us and empowers us to take up anything for the best of us and of the world. His Spirit can rectify our mistakes, keep us from falling, raise us from depressing situations, take away any fear and protect us from all evil and harm.Hold your head high for the role you are going to have in the world. Be proud about our dignity as God’s children. Set up goals through perceiving God’s will and plan for us. Never fall prey to evil forces and temptations. Let not our attention be diverted to unnecessary areas. Make use of our time and talent for learning.  Follow the guidance of our teachers and mentors, fulfil the good wishes of our parents and elders,  find friends, be considerate to everyone, help and assist the needy, keep ourselves in prayer for everything we need. Be thankful to God for what we are and what we have.Pledge that we will grow as good humans and responsible citizens. Develop commitment towards the community, society and to the institutions where we study.Get set, go, the Lord be with you.Blessings of your parents and elders are with you.The Holy Altar of the Lord will be your connecting point always.God bless!Yours in Christ,Thomas John Achen

Sunday School Graduation and Prize Distribution Ceremony 2023

Sunday School Graduation and Prize Distribution Ceremony was held on Sunday, August 13, 2023 after Holy Qurbana.

Grade 12 Graduating Students (2023) with Vicar Rev Fr Thomas P John, Headmaster Santosh Varghese and Teacher Joju Thomas

Sunday School Students (2023) with the Vicar Rev Fr Thomas P John and teachers

Sunday School – Diocesan Competition Winners

Sunday School – Diocesan Competition Winners announced. Congratulations to our parish Sunday School winners, and participants!

Grade 10 – Silver: Aednah Anish, Bronze: Aiden AnishDrawing:
Grade 3 – Silver: Nihan George Siju Bronze: Evan James Sam, Juana Sosa Preveen
Grade 5 – Gold: Nanma Susan Siju
Grade 6 – Gold: Serene Varghese
Grade 7 – Gold: Binta Mary Joshua
Grade 10 – Gold: Joann Liz Thomas

Sunday School BBQ

Sunday school BBQ went well on May 15th after Holy Qurbana. 

We sincerely thank all our members who have participated in the BBQ organised by our parish Sunday school. Sincere thanks to the Sunday School Teachers, Students and parents for their volunteering and hard work. Thanks to all who volunteered. Sincere gratitude to our members who supported the event by contributing towards this. The food was rich and tasty. We have collected $ 2108.00. Thanks again.

A regular in person Sunday School on 03 April 2022

In-person Sunday School

Sunday School will be going in-person from Sunday, March 20, 2022 and the new timing is from 12:00 to 01:00 pm. 

Please note that the Sunday Morning Prayer will start at 08:30 am from March 20 onwards. This is to help the Sunday School to be conducted at church in-person after the Holy Liturgy. We have more morning light now. The new timing will help us to start the Sunday School at 12:00 to finish by 01:00. We request everyone’s cooperation. Please send snack box on all Sundays to avoid any allergic hazards.

Sunday School Annual Day 2021

Sunday school celebrated Annual day 2021 on Dec 27, 2021 as an in person program.

The graduating class of 2021 was felicitated with certificates. Farewell was given to Marina Abraham on behalf  of Sunday school with a plaque, icon and  gift card, as she was leaving to start a family life with Tirin. Alvina was acknowledged for winning the North East Diocesan logo competition. Sunday school Quiz team who represented at the North East diocesan level winning a silver level credits, was recognized with plaques.  Geetha Abraham and Anand Joseph were awarded plaques  for completing 10 years service with the Sunday school. Since Anand was unable to make it,  the plaque was received by Lejin on behalf of Anand. It was a blessed day.

Grade 12 Graduating Students with the Vicar Rev Fr Thomas P John and the teacher Joju Thomas

Quiz team receiving plaque from the Vicar for winning Silver level credit in the Diocesan Quiz Competition

Alvina Samson receiving plaque from the Vicar for winning the North East Diocesan Logo Competition

Elizabeth Abraham receiving plaque from the Vicar for completing 10 years of service with the Sunday School

Anand Joseph was awarded plaque for completing 10 years service with the Sunday School. Lejin Chacko was receiving on behalf of Anand

Marina Abraham receiving icon from the Vicar as farewell

Sunday School Reopening

Sunday School will reopen on Saturday September 11 for the new academic year.

Classes will be conducted on Saturdays and Sundays depending on convenience and availability of students, teachers and devices. Please keep our Sunday School training programs and activities in our daily prayer. Sunday School education shall be viewed and understood as the Ecclesial academic program with excellence  involving biblical, sacramental, theological, environmental, ecological, cultural, religious art/music/ and literary  exposure to students which will equip them for their bright future. We have all grades open and working with excellent and dedicated teachers. If we look at the life of the faithful, it would be easy to detect the role of Sunday School training behind their success. Every Sunday School class shall be the coming together of Christ and kids where they meet each other, get trained by the Lord, illuminated by the Divine wisdom through the Holy Spirit and enjoy lifelong friendship among themselves. Let us be there for all necessary and possible support.

Sunday School’s New Principal

Welcome Santhosh Varughese, Sunday School’s new Principal

As Elizabeth Vaidhyan completes her three year tenure and steps down as Principal, Santhosh Varughese assumes the office to be the new Principal. We would like to acknowledge the brilliance, efficiency, coordination, innovation, energy, zeal, enthusiasm and dedication revealed in the service rendered by Elizabeth Vaidhyan. We would also like to appreciate and acknowledge the progress and growth our parish Sunday School has achieved locally and within the Diocese of North East America under her leadership. We sincerely thank God for all the blessings we have received through her ministry.
We do welcome Santhosh Varughese and wish the best to his service as the new Principal. You can reach out to him over phone on (416) 258 2062 for any enquiry, assistance or administrative need.
We wish the best also to all teachers, students, volunteers, technical support team and all parents and keep everyone in prayer.

OVBS 2021

This year’s OVBS learning sessions have been completed.

OVBS for us is the parish Olympics, which is not because of its competition aspect but because of its overall positivity which can last till the next event. Actually it is a learning program like Sunday School which could have fallen into boredom and monotony, however the way it has been programmed keeps it from going exhaustive. It is just another academic exercise sweetened with music and games and wrapped in glitterati. Everybody enjoys it as it brings neither burden nor worry, only pure joy. We can make an OVBS everyday in our life if we don’t complicate things.
We do sincerely acknowledge the efforts and hard work of the dedicated team of our teachers, wonderful participation of our children, tremendous support from parents, excellent assistance from the technical team and all possible support from the Management Committee. Special mention is due to Mridula Liju Thakadiyel for her brilliant coordination of OVBS 2021.

Registration 2020-2021

The registration for Sunday School year 2020-21 is now open.  Click on the link below to download the form. 

Registration closes on June 30, 2020. Please register within this period to help Sunday School get organized for the new academic year. 
Given the current limitations in large gatherings, we are unable to provide and collect hard copy registration forms. We have therefore set up a Sunday school email account through which registration forms and fees can be collected via e transfer. 
Please complete the registration form (see form attached) and email it to the below email address. 
Please e-transfer the $10 registration fee per child, along with a voluntary $12 World Vision donation (Sunday School sponsors 2 World Vision children), to the email address below. We encourage you to please contribute to the World Vision sponsorship.
The email account is
Please contact Elizabeth Vaidhyan or Ceeja Vaidhyan, if you have any further questions. 

Covid-19 Support Video from the SGOCT Sunday School

Our Sunday School put together a video of encouragement to help us get through these difficult times. We hope this will lift your spirit and keep us all anchored in our faith in the One that never changes and never fails!

Below are the details of our upcoming events




Rules and Regulations

February 16, 2020 Singing Competition Click to read rules
April 26, 2020 Drawing Competition (Grades JK to 4) Coming Soon!
April 26, 2020 Essay Competition (Grades 5 to 12) Coming Soon!
May 10, 2020 Bible Story/Elocution Competition Coming Soon!
May 24, 2020 Bible Quiz Coming Soon!
We are excited to announce that our OVBS for the year 2020 will be held during the School Spring/March break! See details below:

Dates: Wednesday, March 18th to Saturday, March 21st

Theme: “Choose what is good”. Luke 10:42

Convenors: Nikhila Thomas, Shirley George, Siju Abraham

Registration Last date: Sunday, February 16, 2020

More details to come soon!