Office Bearers – 2024


Rev. Fr. Thomas P. John

Vice President

Soney M John


Liju Thomas Thakadiyel

Joint Secretary

Ansu Thomas


Rity Pappachan

Office Bearers – 2023


Rev. Fr. Thomas P. John

Vice President

Binu Koshy


Jemy Anna Jose

Joint Secretary

Ansu Thomas


Ritty Pappachen

Office Bearers – 2022


Rev. Fr. Thomas P. John

Vice President

Binu Joshua


Liju Thomas


Suna Cherian

Joint Secretary

Jemy Anna Jose

‘Urava’- Parish Journal Volume 2

The second volume of Urava will be released on Sunday, August 14 connecting to the Soonoyo Feast.

We are inviting all organizations of our Parish to contribute articles to be featured in the Journal. The articles are expected to reflect the theme selected for this issue “Theotokos – The Second Eve”. The last date for submission of articles will be 30th June 2022.Please find below – the subthemes selected for each organisation:1. Sunday School i) Life of Saint Mary ii) “Behold, Thy Mother.”2. MGOCSM i) “Here I am” ii) Intercession of Mother Mary3.OCYM i)‘Joseph’, a Male Model for Women Empowerment ii) ‘Mary’, More than a shell4.MMVS i) Women Leadership towards Salvation ii) Sword through the Heart5. Senior Forum i)”Hail Mary, Full of Grace” ii) Mary – An Initiator of Miracles6.Choir i) Magnificat – A Revolutionary Anthem ii) St. Mary in the Orthodox Liturgical Hymns7. Acolytes i) Various Symbols of St Mary in the Temple ii) Model for Diakonia – from Altar to Street Please send the articles to below email id with the subject line “Urava Volume 2 – Article – Organization Name”. Email id: ocymtoronto@yahoo.com

New Comers WhatsApp Groups

New Comers WhatsApp Groups initiated by OCYM supported by volunteers from parish spiritual organisationsCanada finds new immigrants and students from India. We receive new comers every week. To coordinate and organise them, our parish OCYM has started two WhatsApp Groups. We have volunteers representing various organisations to support. Newcomers are joining the group every day. We request our members to connect newcomers to both students and young couples we come across and we will be glad to offer them guidance and support. We will be organising various online and in-person meetings for them including spiritual sessions.

Parish Library and Book Club

Our parish OCYM has planned to launch a Parish Library & Book Club project with the support of other organisations and our members.

We will be starting the project with tracking current stock and receiving books from donors. Reference books and other required books shall be purchased in due-course. We request our members who are fond of reading to support in setting up a useful library. We request our members who may be interested in donating books to look for the right books to donate, instead of using it to get rid of any books. Please feel free to contact the vicar on (416) 570 5610) for any clarifications or for expressing your willingness to support. We do believe that the library shall motivate our kids and youngsters to get equipped for their future through intense and voracious reading and it also helps our senior generation to get engaged in fruitful sharing time through the book club.

New Comers Virtual Meet & Greet held on Tuesday April 05

OCYM-initiated Newcomers WhatsApp Forum had convened a virtual Meet & Greet on Tuesday April 05. 
Over 40 members participated. The meeting went well. We sincerely thank the forum volunteers and members for their participation. Further plans shall be updated in due course.

Office Bearers – 2021


Rev. Fr. Thomas P. John

Vice President

Binu Joshua


Liju Thomas


Suna Cherian

Joint Secretary

Jemy Anna Jose

OCYM Get-together

OCYM Get-together on Friday, October 8th, 06:00 pm at Church

All our OCYM members and families are expected to join the get-together starting at 06:00 pm. It will be an occasion to meet new people as well as to reunite with old friends. There will be some entertainment and fun and some spiritual rejuvenation too. Let us have some memorable time together.

OCYM Webinar on ‘Art of Parenting’

Our parish OCYM conducted a webinar on ‘Art of Parenting’ on Friday, June 11th.

Mr Prasad Nair, MSW RSW, Director at Children’s Aid Society of Toronto led the session. We believe that this seminar was informative and of great help to our parents. Thank you all for your participation.

Immigration Assistance Helpline

Our Parish OCYM Unit has initiated a new immigrant assistance helpline to offer necessary support to the newly landed immigrants.

We are very delighted to welcome all newcomers to Canada. With this helpline, we are providing guidance to immigrants from diverse backgrounds positively transit to a new life in Canada. The services include guidance or assistance in knowing the city, finding temporary or permanent accommodation, finding relevant networks and service centers for employment, getting to know our churches and our community in Toronto, transportation to church for Holy Liturgy and other church related activities, getting referrals to programs and services for immigrants or any other possible assistance required. Please be advised that we do not do any immigration process. It is solely for the people who have already earned their immigrant status. We understand the importance of protecting your personal information. We do not collect any financial information from you. The information we collect about you is exclusively for the purpose of providing you with meaningful and relevant data. Those who  would require any assistance prior to their arrival, can send us an email at newimmigrants@sgoctoronto.org

OCYM Charity to Covid affected spots in Kerala

Our Parish OCYM has transferred $500/- to OCYM Idukki Diocese to distribute essential food kits in the affected spots.

It will be distributed on the Feast of Pentecost as our gesture of solidarity and oneness in Spirit. Sincere thanks to our members who contribute towards this cause.


Our parish OCYM has organised Divyabodhanam theological training sessions for our members.

It is a two year academic program which covers ten books on various topics in connection with Orthodox Christian living. They include study on Old Testament, New Testament, Epistles of St Paul, Christian Theology, Church and Faith, Sacraments, Church History, Counselling, Other Religions and Environment. The texts are prepared by theologians and professors which can empower us and help to know what we actually believe. This course can clear our doubts regarding faith and practice and also illumine our lives through divine wisdom. This is meant for all members and it will give deeper understanding of the Bible and spiritual life through church.

The next Divyabodhanam session will be on Friday May 28, 2021 at 07:30 pm. The Book for discussion will be ‘In the Fullness of Time’. Those who haven’t joined yet, please feel free to join the next session.
The access link is:

Office Bearers – 2020


Rev. Fr. Thomas P. John

Vice President

Titus Vaidhyan


Philip Philips

Joint Secretary

Suna Cherian


Liju Thomas

Family Conference 2019

The OCYM of St Gregorios Orthodox Church welcomes you to our one-day family conference on May 4th, 2019. The conference is intended to foster spiritual growth, as the youth are challenged to honor God’s Word in every area of their lives. We are hoping that this conference will also serve as a precursor to building a vibrant partnership and fellowship between the old and young within the parishes in the Toronto region.


Isaiah 60:1
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you

Chief Guest

Fr. Alexander J. Kurien is a senior priest of the Indian Orthodox Church and a member of the Senior Executive Services (SES) of the United States Government in Washington, D.C. He was ordained as a deacon in 1983 and as a priest in 1987.
For more details please visit his personal website: http://www.wdcholyman.com/rev-fr-alexander-james-kurien/

Registration will begin by 9:00 am. The Conference is scheduled to begin at 10 am in the morning and will continue until 4 pm in the afternoon. Lunch will be served between 12:30 pm and 1:15 pm in the afternoon.

St. Gregorios Orthodox Church of Toronto
6890 Professional Court, Mississauga L4V 1X6

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